

properly name MS-Excel workbooks

Have you ever had trouble finding your school assignments or homework on your computer? It can be really frustrating when you have to search through lots of files to find what you need. One way to make this easier is to properly name MS-Excel workbooks and store them in folders for retrieval later. Naming Your …

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Introduction to SQL.

SQL stands for Structured Query Language. SQL is a programming language that is used to manage and manipulate data stored in databases. It allows users to create, update, delete, and retrieve data from databases. SQL is a very powerful language and is used by businesses and organizations of all sizes to manage their data. In …

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What is database, features, types, uses and importance

A database is an organized collection of data that is stored and accessed electronically. It is a critical tool for managing and organizing data in a structured and efficient manner. In this post, we will explore the features, types, uses, and importance of databases, specifically for basic 5 pupils. Features of a Database: Types of …

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